Winter skies and the Milky Way over Limpopo-Lipadi

Winter skies and the Milky Way over Limpopo-Lipadi

Recently, shareholder Mauro spent some exceptional days with family and friends at Limpopo-Lipadi. One night he took out his camera and… Read his story here: “There is the African sky and then there is the Limpopo-Lipadi sky during the cold, crisp evenings without...
Cold winter mornings, bright sunny days

Cold winter mornings, bright sunny days

Oh my, Botswana winter nights can be cold – if only to warm up very quickly after sunrise, usually with the brightest skies of the year. Sunrise is winter’s wake-up call for many animals: time to shake the chill off in the first rays of the sun. Check out these rock...
Wild dogs at play

Wild dogs at play

Wild dogs at play Limpopo-Lipadi’s emblematic wild dogs travel across the reserve in a matter of hours. The whole reserve of 20,500 hectares is their hunting ground and they easily cover the area in a day. That means that you can never be quite sure where to find...
Never be in a rush

Never be in a rush

Never be in a rush, you never know what is behind the next bush Shareholder Conny Krauss spent some fantastic days with a group of friends at Limpopo-Lipadi. Here is one of her stories to illustrate her stay: “We spotted a group of vultures hovering all together on a...
Vulture Safe Zone at Limpopo-Lipadi

Vulture Safe Zone at Limpopo-Lipadi

It is often the case in modern day Nature Conservation that iconic animals, especially the cute and cuddly, or majestic ones, get the lion’s share of attention (pardon the pun). What a lot of people don’t seem to understand is that ecosystems will still function if...
Rainy Season’s Finale

Rainy Season’s Finale

On his first trip in three years, shareholder Ian took his 85-year old father with him, so this was a big trip in waiting. On one of their last nights, they were treated to the grand finale of the summer rains, with some incredible lightning. With the summer rains...