Our Blog

Wild Dog Dispersal: A Tale of Survival and Sociality

Wild Dog Dispersal: A Tale of Survival and SocialityBy: Limpopo-Lipadi | Date: July 25, 2024 | ReserveReserve Manager Botilo explains what s currently going on with the wild dog pack since they've split up some months ago: Wild dogs are remarkably lean, and for a good...

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Reliving the excitement as if for the first time

Reliving the excitement as if for the first timeBy: Limpopo-Lipadi | Date: July 18, 2024 | ReserveCo-owner Conny recently brought some friends from Canada to Limpopo-Lipadi and was happy and proud to show them the ‘daily life’ at the Reserve. Their stay turned out to...

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Honey badger, Africa’s most fearless animal

Honey badger, Africa’s most fearless animalBy: Limpopo-Lipadi | Date: July 11, 2024 | ReserveIt is not often that we stumble across the elusive honey badger on the Reserve, so when we do we like to advertise it. For those not in the know, honey badgers are wonderful...

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Why Limpopo-Lipadi again and again?

Why Limpopo-Lipadi again and again?

Why Limpopo-Lipadi again and again?By: Limpopo-Lipadi | Date: July 4, 2024 | ReserveA question we as co-owners get asked by friends at home (and we sometimes ponder on): why Limpopo-Lipadi again and again? A question that leads one to reflect and contemplate, like...

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Breeding Herd Up Close

Breeding Herd Up Close

Breeding Herd Up CloseBy: Limpopo-Lipadi | Date: June 25, 2024 | ReserveIt had been a while since these co-owners had seen the breeding herd out in the open. Here is their story: “After having followed the tracks and seeing glimpses when crossing the road there had...

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The Enigmatic Brown Hyena

The Enigmatic Brown Hyena

The Enigmatic Brown HyenaBy: Limpopo-Lipadi | Date: June 20, 2024 | ReserveAt Limpopo-Lipadi we have a rare treasure that is quite likely to be seen regularly: the elusive brown hyena. While scarce in many regions, these remarkable creatures thrive within our Reserve....

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