Lots of special Sightings

By: Limpopo-Lipadi | Date: Oct 7, 2023 | Reserve

End of winter pulls in a lot of co-owners to enjoy the moderate temperatures in August. This was no different for co-owners Guido and Nancy: “We visited the Reserve in August, just after the cold period. We were positively surprised how relatively green it still was and how much grass there was. The Reserve looks magnificent. We were again so lucky to encounter the elephant breeding herd several times, at Mogorosi, Cabbage Dam and at Thelma’s Pan. It is always such a joy to see these beautiful creatures, especially with all the youngsters playing around. 

During one of our morning drives to saw a group of rhinos, which was extraordinary to see. Two of them left immediately after our arrival, probably not comfortable with a game drive vehicle around. The others were very relaxed, enjoying the morning sun while laying down. Good to see that our newly arrived guests are doing so well.

We were also lucky to see one of our lions at the Middle Plains. The older male was relaxed, digesting what appeared to be his nightly meal, considering his full belly. After having watched us from a nice spot in the shade for a while, he decided it was time to move on, giving us the opportunity to take some nice pictures. During one of our evening drives, our guide Maifala suddenly stopped at a tree. “Do you see anything particular?” he asked. We had a good look and suddenly saw a tree monitor lizard high up in the tree.

Of course, we have seen the water monitor lizard at River Camp and the rock monitor lizard at one of the koppies, but we had never seen the tree monitor lizard, which made this sighting very special indeed. Always amazing how our guides can spot this while driving.” Want to be a part of Limpopo-Lipadi’s adventures? For discreet information on share sales, contact generalmanager@limpopo-lipadi.org.

To book a safari, request our rates via reservations@limpopo-lipadi.org or via WhatsApp: (+267) 76770191.

Images: Harry Martin Photography