Lions at last!
By: Limpopo-Lipadi | Date: Feb 23, 2024 | Reserve
A fenced Wildlife and Wilderness Reserve like Limpopo-Lipadi has to carefully manage the delicate ecosystem with all flora and fauna involved. This means that if one species thrives to the detriment of others, game management is an important factor to restore the equilibrium. A couple of years ago we had seen the pride of lions expand from 3 to about 15, besides some free-roaming males, which added up to around 20 lions. As the animals cannot leave on their own accord, the advice from experts was called in and it was decided that we should translocate the pride to other parts of Botswana. A highly successful operation!
After this translocation of that ever-expanding pride of lions we still have 5 lions on the Reserve, but it’s not easy to find them, especially if they hide in areas with dense bush and during the green summer season. When these co-owners heard on the radio that the Anti-Poaching Unit had stumbled across them on their patrols, they set out to find them later. And yes, there they were, 2 sub-adult lions, taking it easy in the thickets. A great sighting!
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