Our Blog

Why Limpopo-Lipadi again and again?

Why Limpopo-Lipadi again and again?

Why Limpopo-Lipadi again and again?By: Limpopo-Lipadi | Date: July 4, 2024 | ReserveA question we as co-owners get asked by friends at home (and we sometimes ponder on): why Limpopo-Lipadi again and again? A question that leads one to reflect and contemplate, like...

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Breeding Herd Up Close

Breeding Herd Up Close

Breeding Herd Up CloseBy: Limpopo-Lipadi | Date: June 25, 2024 | ReserveIt had been a while since these co-owners had seen the breeding herd out in the open. Here is their story: “After having followed the tracks and seeing glimpses when crossing the road there had...

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The Enigmatic Brown Hyena

The Enigmatic Brown Hyena

The Enigmatic Brown HyenaBy: Limpopo-Lipadi | Date: June 20, 2024 | ReserveAt Limpopo-Lipadi we have a rare treasure that is quite likely to be seen regularly: the elusive brown hyena. While scarce in many regions, these remarkable creatures thrive within our Reserve....

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Young leopard hiding in plain sight

Young leopard hiding in plain sight

Young leopard hiding in plain sightBy: Limpopo-Lipadi | Date: June 11, 2024 | ReserveThere had been several reports about a leopard mother bringing up her two cubs not far from Cabbage land Dam waterhole, but so far finding them had proven impossible. Until the moment...

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Is drought on the Limpopo Valley horizon?

Is drought on the Limpopo Valley horizon?

Is drought on the Limpopo Valley horizon?By: Limpopo-Lipadi | Date: June 6, 2024 | ReserveWith the effects of El Niño creating extreme weather phenomena all over the world, our Reserve Manager Botilo notices that it doesn’t leave Limpopo-Lipadi unaffected either....

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Flap-necked Chameleons: Tiny “ground lions”

Flap-necked Chameleons: Tiny “ground lions”

Flap-necked Chameleons: tiny “Ground Lions”By: Limpopo-Lipadi | Date: May 31, 2024 | ReserveEver so often the guides of Limpopo-Lipadi suddenly make a full stop or a swoosh around things on the road they don’t want to run over. Leopard tortoise, ants, mopane worms,...

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