As shareholders we are so privileged to be able to come back to Limpopo-Lipadi on a regular basis and call the place our home away from home. There is less of a need to ‘chase’ and see the big predators every day of our visit. Although there is always that lingering feeling of missing out if you don’t get your share at the end of a two-week stay… Clive and Jill got lucky after all:

“It was our 14th visit to Limpopo-Lipadi and as always it is special every time. We’d had so many elephant encounters this visit. We had seen a beautiful leopard drinking, the wild dogs bathing and enjoyed watching many of the other wonderful African animals and birds, but we had not seen the lion pride. It was our last day, so we made a special effort to get to the Mogorosi waterhole before sunrise. But with nothing there we were just leaving when the whole pride with very full bellies came down to drink. Many photos later, and the old boys snoring, we left very contented, too.”

Photo: Clive Bennett