The green season in the Tuli Block is an amazing time to visit Limpopo-Lipadi, as shareholders Guido and Nancy found out last February: “We had a fantastic stay in the Reserve in February. Although we expected it to be hot and dry, we experienced quite a lot of rain. We didn’t mind this at all, as it was nice and cool, around 25˚C. Because of the rain the Reserve looked beautiful. Green grass, thick bushes, water puddles everywhere, which can make it hard to spot animals. So, we didn’t expect to see much wildlife, but we were wrong! Immediately on our first drive we saw a leopard near Mogorosi waterhole (spotted by our guide Lucky). It was so relaxed, and it gave us all the time to soak up its beauty. As it walked along the waterhole, it stepped on something sharp, and it was licking its pawn several times. On the way back we saw a large leopard tortoise on the road, drinking from a puddle of water. And another positive surprise was to see so many offspring of impala, zebra, giraffe, and even wildebeest. During the rest of the week, we encountered the Elephant breeding herd twice. Especially the youngsters were very curious and came rather close to the vehicle, which triggered the mother to intervene and come between the calf and the car, so they were even closer, which was exciting (but Lucky made sure to keep us safe).” Want to be a part of Limpopo-Lipadi’s adventures? For discreet information on share sales, contact To book a safari, request our rates via WhatsApp: (+267) 75995115, or via the reserve’s office: (+267) 2630198/9.

Photos: Guido van Toorenburg